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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Transit of Venus.

Så dere venuspassasjen i dag tidlig?
Jeg sto opp i dag tidlig sammen med sola, i håp om å få med meg mest mulig av den fantastiske begivenheten.
Men himmelen var dekket av grå skyer, og det var tåke.
Jeg hilste de to gudinnene som befant seg bak skyene, kokte meg kaffe og ventet...

Did you see the Transit of Venus this morning?
I got up at sunrise, hoping to catch the most of this amazing happening.
But the sky was covered in grey clouds, and it was foggy.
I greeted the two Goddesses behind the clouds, made coffee and waited...

Etterhvert klarnet været, og Sol og Venus kunne sammen beskues gjennom solformørkelsesbrillene :)
I litt over en time fikk jeg sett de to, før de skilte lag, og det kjentes både høytidelig og veldig fint.
Jeg er kjempeglad for å ha sett venuspassasjen med egne øyne!

Jeg gjorde noen forsøk på å ta bilder gjennom solformørkelsesbrillene, men det ble ikke bra, så jeg tok noen morgenbilder i stedet.

Eventually the sky cleared, and the wonderful sight of Sol and Venus together could be seen through the solar eclipse glasses :) 
I watched them for a little more than an hour, and it felt nice and special.
I am so happy to have observed the Transit of Venus live!

I made a few attempts to take photos through the solar eclipse glasses, but it did not work, so I took some morning photos instead.


Unknown said...

Wunderfull photos! I like the special light together with the fog.

Really great prictures!

Hugs Rosana

odarka said...

Our weather is not allowed to look at Venus, but I'm glad you did. Pictures of the beautiful. Have a nice day.

Wally said...

I love your morning photographs.
It was cloudy here so we didn't go to the viewing event at the observatory, and we found out afterwards the clouds had cleared enough so people could see.

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