En liten oppdatering fra drivhuset i midten av juni.
De små tomat- og paprikaplantene som ble plantet ut i drivhuset i slutten av mai har nå grodd seg ganske godt til. Alle tomatplantene har knopper og/eller blomster.
My greenhouse in mid June.
The small tomato and sweet pepper plants were planted in the greenhouse in the end of May, and they have established and grown well. All the tomato plants now are either blooming or have buds.
Paprikaplantene var bittesmå da de ble plantet ut. Fortsatt er de ganske små, men et par av plantene kommer faktisk nå med knopper.
The sweet peppers were tiny when they were planted. They are still small, yet little buds are now appearing on a couple of the plants.
Av agurkfrøene som ble sådd (i seneste laget) spirte bare ett. Planten er fortsatt liten, men den vokser og ser ut til å trives.
Jeg hadde satt av plass til to agurkplanter, og da jeg fant to agurkfrø fra i fjor i frøboksen min, puttet jeg de ned i jorda i drivhuset for å se om ett av dem kanskje ville spire.
I was a bit late in sowing cucumber seeds, of which only one germinated. The plant is still small, but it looks green and fresh and is growing nicely.
I did set aside room for two cucumber plants in the greenhouse, and when I found two cucumber seeds in my seed box from last year, I put them into the greenhouse soil to see whether one of them would sprout, and hopefully I would get a second plant.
Det gjorde ett av de to frøene, og nå er nok en bitteliten agurkplante på vei opp.
Jeg må nok smøre meg med tålmodighet til godt utpå sommeren angående høsting av agurker i år, men gjett om vi blir glade når de første endelig er klare :)
One of the seeds sprouted, and now one more tiny cucmber seedling is peeping through.
I guess we will have to be patient when it comes to harvesting any cucumbers this summer, but we'll be thrilled finally when the first ones are ready to be picked.
Basilikumen har vokst fint i pottene sine.
The basils have grown nicely in their pots.
Og "noen" har spist og kost seg på bladene. Bare på den økologiske basilikumen vel å merke.
And "someone" has been eating off the leaves... actually only off the leaves of the organic basil.
Pottetomat-plantene vokser fint.
The smaller bushy tomato variety is growing well in their pots.
Og de blomstrer.
And all three plants are blooming.
Lovely! I get so excited at spring time when everything grows so quickly. Love your pictures. Its all about pumpkins down here at t the moment. Lots of pumpkins to collect and lots of vines to clean up.
I LOVE your greenhouse! This year, I simply have not had time to garden. I have a few tomato plants and some basil - waiting to be planted. I'm behind schedule. Maybe yet this week...
Utrolig flot drivhus du har - dejligt at se alt spire og gro. Ønsker dig en god tirsdag:) Knus Hanne Bente
A greenhouse, if only... My outdoor tomatoes down the new bit of garden in the driveway, are growing well and just beginning to get their first lot of flowers. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Så flott drivhus!!
Jeg vil ha.
Ha en fin uke!!
What a tidy little greenhouse! All your plants look so lush in there. And you've reminded me that I meant to grow a few herbs in pots this year (maybe still time!). I planted some flowers from seeds, but they're really not doing well at all, except for my morning glories and I have to fend off the rabbit for those! Wendy
Thank you Karisma, Elizabeth and Samantha :)
Takk Hanne Bente og En helt uvanlig hverdag. Jeg er veldig glad i drivhuset mitt :)
Dc; I hope your tomatoes will do well :)
Thank you Wendy :) Happy gardening, I hope your seeds will do fine.
Her var det så strøkent og flott at plantene må vekse i pur glede av å ha det så flott!
Your green house garden is looking absolutely wonderful.. YOU will have good harvest soon. Hugs judy
It looks like you'll have a great harvest, Hilde! It must be such a lovely feeling to grow your own vegetables and herbs! :)
Takk, Else, jeg håper plantene trives :)
Thank you Judy and Anna :)
What a lush crop you have growing in there Hilde - I can imagine all those wonderful green fragrances!
Looking forward to seeing the fruits (and vegs) of your labour later in the season!
Ali x
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