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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Natural dyes: avocado peel and seeds.

I fjor farget jeg garn med en blanding av avocadoskall og steiner (her), og var veldig fornøyd med fargene som kom ut av forsøket. 
I ettertid har jeg fortsatt å samle og fryse ned avocadoskall og steiner til et nytt fargingsforsøk, og forrige helg  hentet jeg frem det som hadde samlet seg opp i fryseren. Jeg hadde spart opp litt større mengde enn jeg brukte forrige gang, for å kunne farge med skall og steiner hver for seg.

Last year I did some natural dyes with a mix of avocado peel and seeds (here), and I was very happy with how the dyes turned out.
Later I have kept saving and freezing down avocado peel and seeds for another natural dye, and last weekend I decided to make a dye with what I had saved up so far. I had saved up a little larger amount than last time, to be able to dye with peel and seeds separately.

Fremgangsmåten jeg brukte er eksperimentell.  Avocadoskallet ble lagt i fargekjelen med vann (3-4 l) og salmiakk (ca 2 dl) og fikk stå og trekke på verandaen i noen timer. Deretter varmet jeg opp kjelen og lot den trekke i en times tid. Når kjelen hadde kjølt ned igjen fjernet jeg avocadoskallet og la i garn, varmet opp igjen og lot det trekke ved 60-70 grader i en time.

Som jeg erfarte også i fjor inneholder avocado sterkt fargestoff, og jeg fikk gjort fire farginger i samme fargegryte.
For hver nye farging tilsatte jeg noen dråper salmiakk i vannet.

Farging med avocadoskall ga disse nyansene på garnet:

This tecnique of dyeing is a bit experimental; I put the avocado peel in the pot with water (3-4 litres) and household ammonia (ca 2 dl), and left it outside for a few hours for the acovado peel to release the dye. Then the pot was heated on the stove and left to simmer for an hour, and then left to cool off again.
Then the avocado peel was removed and the wool added, the pot heated again to 60-70 C and simmered for an hour.

Like I experienced last year avocado contains a strong colour agent, and I dyed four times in a row in the same dye bath.
For each time I added new wool I also added a few drops of ammonia to the dye bath.

The avocado peel dyes resulted in these shades on the wool:

Nydelige rosalilla og rødlige fargetoner. 
Synes de ble fine, selv om noen av garnhespene ble litt skjoldete.

Beautiful pinkish, purplish and redish shades.
I think they turned out nicely, even though some of the skeins dyed a bit unevenly.

Så gjentok jeg hele prosedyren med avocadosteinene.

Garnet farget med avocadosteiner/frø fikk disse fargenyansene:
(jeg slapp opp for garn, så det ble bare gjort tre farginger).

Then the whole procedure was repeted with the avocado seeds.

The wool dyed in the dye bath made from the seeds dyed these shades:
(I run out of yarn, so only three dyes).

Første farging ble blålilla, ellers ble det ganske lignende fargenyanser som fra fargingene med avocadoskallet.
(Litt ujevn farge på noen av garnhespene her også, så jeg må nok bli flinkere til å vende på garnet i gryta for å få jevnere innfarging).

The seeds dyed a little more on the blueish side, other than that the shades are rather similar to the dyes from the peel.
(Some of these skeins too dyed a bit unevenly, so I will have to make sure to do a better job to move the wool around in the dye pot to ensure an even dye).

Alle fargene, så fine sammen :)
Garnhespene øverst er farget med avocadoskall og de nedeste med avocadostein.

All the shades of colours achieved, looking so beautiful altogether :)
The above skeins dyed with avocado peel, and the below skeins dyed with avocado seeds.


Feathers said...

thank you for sharing this tip! :) i already love eating them, will be trying this out soon and i think my friend would be very interested too for his art work.

earthen-magic said...

...greetings dear kindred! ~ awesome play thee hath had! ~ little query: what doth thee mean with the measure of ammonia(ca 2 dl)? ~ may thee have a most splendid day! ~ blessed be!...(O:

Gentiana nivalis said...

Så nydelige farger! Det er visst mye rart en kan farge garn med! Jeg tenker på det hver gang jeg er sint på åkermolen som kommer der jeg ikke vil ha den. Den lager fine farger på garn - har jeg sett hos deg!

Vores have said...

Flotte nuancer du har lavet. Ønsker dig en god søndag:) Knus Hanne Bente

Marylene said...

amazing colours ! Thanks for sharing

Greenorchid said...

I would really like to try this myself but would be unable to use ammonia what could I use instead?

Great post!! Cx

Magia da Inês said...

╮✿ °•.¸

Passei para uma visitinha.
Muito lindo... belas cores naturais!
Bom domingo!
Boa semana!
°º✿♫ Beijinhos.

Natas Nest said...

Beautiful colors! I had never expected that avocado peel would give theses shades, super :-). And just another surprise, here for you:
I hope you're pleased ;-). Have a nice evening!
xxx Nata

Yael said...

Another interesting post about natural dyeing! The colors came out beautiful again! :-)

Ali said...

OOh more beautiful tones Hilde - what a surprise ingredient too!
Ali x

A wondering star said...

Fargene ble riktig fine!
Igjen et imponerende utført arbeid!
Ha en fin sommerkveld!

klem Jorunn

Emelie said...

Fantastiskt att en och samma frukt/växt kan ge så många fina nyanser! Som naturligtvis passar utmärkt ihop!
Hoppas du haft en riktigt fin Midsommar! :)

Mia said...

Oj så mycket du har färgat, fina variationer. Skalet och stenarna ger lite olika färger ser jag.
Hur många gram färgade du egentligen, är varje härva 100 gram måste det ha blivit massor :)

Hilde said...

Thank you Feathers, I'm so glad you liked my post :)

Thank you dear Samantha :) Sorry about the unclear measurement of ammonia. I added about 2 desilitres, which converted to metric cup would be about 0,8 cup.
Hugs and blessings :)

Tusen takk Gentiania nivalis og Hanne Bente :)

Thank you Marylene :)

Hilde said...

Thank you Greenorchid :)
I'm not a big fan of ammonia really, but I do not know what use instead, so for now I work with it, but that might change in the future. Perhaps stale urin could work instead? Or potash?

Thank you Ines, Yael and Ali :)

Thank you for your nice comment and for the award, Nata :) How lovely of you!!

Tusen takk Jorunn og Emelie :)

Takk Mia. Veldig fornøyd med fargene, og morsomt med litt annerledes farger :) Jeg farger 50 grams hesper, men det blir jo mye garn allikevel...

Kristín Hrund said...

Beautiful colors Hilde - amazing how you can get such wonderful shades from avocado-peel. I tried it out last summer and got such an disappointing result... but maby one should try again, using your experimental-method??

Hilde said...

Thank you, Kristin :)
The result of natural dyes can be uncertain and unexpected, I think you should give it another try :)

Annuk said...

I caught up with both this post and the previous one about mugwort, and I love the way you are connected with Nature, seasons and the natural powers of Earth!

Tomoko said...

How nice to see those new natural colors. Looks those little yellow flowers are celebrating your new products.


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