Jeg har hatt planer om å forsøke meg på mer fermenteringsfarging i sommer. I fjor gjorde jeg forsøk med en plante (malurt) med ganske bra resultat. I år blir det to; reinfann og gullris, begge gode fargeplanter, (og så håper jeg det fortsatt er nok sommer igjen til at dette skal gå bra).
I have been planning to try more fermentation dyes this summer. Last summer I tested out fermentation of one plant (wormwood), and the result turned out quite ok. This summer I will test out two plants; tansy and goldenrod, which are both good quality dye plants (and hopefully there is still enough summer left for this to work out).
For å lage fermentert fargevæske: Blomster av reinfann og gullris, to plastkanner, vann fra en brønn og svart søppelsekk.
Denne fargemetoden er beskrevet av Marylene på
To make fermented dye liquid: Flowers of tansy and goldrnrod, two plastic containers, water from a well and a black plastic bag.
This natural dye tecnique is described by Marylene at
Plantene ble klippet i mindre biter og fylt på plastkannene, jeg brukte stort sett bare blomster og litt blader, og fylte opp med vann. Jeg hadde litt for lite vann, så jeg måtte på jakt rundt i hagen i bøtter og kar etter regnvann. Til slutt var begge kannene fulle, og nå er de plassert i drivhuset for å fermentere. Den prosessen kommer til å ta en liten stund.
The plant material was cut into smaller pieces and filled onto the containers, I added mostly flowers and leaves, and then filled up with water. It turned out there was too little water, so I had to go looking all over my garden in buckets and trays for rain water. Finally both containers were filled, and they are now placed in the greenhouse to ferment.
This process will take a while.
Håper det går bra, jeg er spent på resultatet :)
Fingers crossed this will work, and I am curious about the result :)
For noen dager siden satte jeg også et nytt glass med blærelav, salmiakk og vann for en ny rosa farging.
Blærelaven plukket jeg da vi var på ferie ved sjøen i midten av juli, det vokste store mengder blærelav på knausene der.
Denne blandingen skal stå og trekke ca en måned før den har utviklet farge og kan brukes til å farge garn med.
A few days ago I also put together a jar of the lichen lasallia pustulata, ammonia and water for another pink dye. The lasallia pustulata lichen was picked while we were on vacation by the sea in the middle of July. There were huge amounts of this lichen growing on the cliffs out there.
The jar will be left alone for about a month to develope colour for a natural dye.
I shall be very interested in the result. Does it have to be well water?
Thank you, Suzy, I will post about the dyes later once it's all finished :)
As for the water it has to be "natural", i.e. from a well, a river or rain water.
...big awesomeness! ~ looking forward to further installments to this adventure! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(O:
Jeg har ikke hørt om denne metoden.
Gleder meg til å se resultatet!
I have these plants in abundance right now. I think I'll do a ferment -a-long with you to see what results I get! Very exciting. Are those 5 liter water bottles?
Hilde, I like your natural dyed yarns very much. Never tryed fermentation dyes but heared about and now read a lot and now I´m ready to try this with goldenrod and madder.
Thanks for the link to Marylene, mayby you know Riihivilla, she´s dyeing with plants as well.
I´m very happy to meet you!
Skoj. Jag skall följa resultatet med stort intresse. Lycka till!
Thank you dear Samantha :)
Takk, Jorunn og Ann-Sofi :)
Nin; a "ferment a-long" sounds like fun, it would be great to compare dye results :) Yes, these are 5 litres water bottles.
Birgit; thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to see more of your natural dyes.
I have read Riihivillas blog a few times, she is an excellent natural dyer!
I´m so excited to see the result of your experiment :-)
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